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Tyrone reducer Suzhou Office


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E-mail: jiansuji001@163.com


    泰隆集團地處揚子江畔的泰興市區(qū)。集團在全國優(yōu)秀企業(yè)家、江蘇省勞動模范董事長殷根章的領導下,經(jīng)過20多年的悉心經(jīng)營, 昂首邁進了中國機械工業(yè)500強,泰隆牌減速機率先獲得中國名牌產(chǎn)品稱號,成為全國減(變)行業(yè)排頭兵。   集團現(xiàn)擁有總資產(chǎn)7.5億元,固定資產(chǎn)4.9億元,占地面積80萬平方米,員工近3216人,專業(yè)工程技術人員981人,年銷售額16億元。從美國、德國、日本、俄羅斯等國家引進的大型數(shù)控磨齒機、蝸桿磨床、加工中心、碳氮共滲爐等一批高精尖的生產(chǎn)、檢測設備占總設備的65%。建立了全國同行業(yè)中檢測功能最全、檢測功率最大、儀器最先進的測試中心,創(chuàng)建了省級工程技術研發(fā)中心。公司產(chǎn)品再原有的平面二次包絡蝸桿減速機、9000系列擺線針輪減速機、圓柱齒輪加速器、行星齒輪減速器等十幾個系列、幾十萬種規(guī)格的基礎上,采用先進的模塊化、點線等技術開發(fā)出了TL模塊化齒輪減速電機;TXP行星模塊化減速器、重載模塊式減速器、點線嚙合減速器。多年來,起重機用硬齒面、中硬齒面減速機一直在為用戶提供最佳的傳動方案,在風力發(fā)電、水力發(fā)電領域捷足先登,做出了不菲的業(yè)績。重載齒輪箱在建材行業(yè)、冶金行業(yè)成功得到了廣泛應用,開卷、卷取齒輪箱、三環(huán)減速器、星輪減速器、立式磨機及邊緣傳動磨機分別在冶金及建材行業(yè)奠定了堅實地位。另外公司還為用戶提供榨糖機齒輪箱、螺桿升降機、電動滾筒及各類非標齒輪箱。公司現(xiàn)為全國減速機標準化技術委員會秘書長單位,公司榮獲“全國首批守合同重信用企業(yè) ”... 

Tyrone group is located in the Yangtze River in Taixing city. Group of outstanding entrepreneurs in the country, leading the working model of Jiangsu province by President Yin Genzhang, after 20 years of careful management, head towards the Chinese machinery industry 500, Tyrone card reducer was first Chinese title of brand-name products, become the industry pacesetter (variable). The group now has total assets of 750000000 yuan, 490000000 yuan in fixed assets, covers an area of 800000 square meters, the staff nearly 3216 people, professional engineering and technical personnel 981 people, with annual sales of 1600000000 yuan. From the America, Germany, Japan, Russia and other countries the introduction of large CNC gear grinding machine, worm grinder, machining center, carbonitriding furnace and a number of other high-tech production equipment, testing equipment accounted for 65%. The establishment of a national industry with the most complete function, detection, detection of the maximum power of most advanced equipment testing center, create a provincial engineering technology research center. Based company products and plane two enveloping worm reducer, the original 9000 series cycloid reducer, cylindrical gear accelerator, planetary gear reducer, a dozen series, thousands of specifications, and other technology to develop a TL modular gear motor adopts modularization, point line advanced planet TXP modular reduction; device, heavy modular reducer, point line meshing gear reducer. Over the years, crane with a hardened, Hardened reducer has been providing the best plan of transmission for the user, The early bird catches in wind power generation, power generation hydraulic, made great achievements. Gear box in the building materials industry, metallurgy industry successfully obtained the widespread application, uncoiler, coiler, gear box reducer, planetary reducer, vertical mill and edge driving mill respectively in metallurgy and building materials industry has laid a solid position. In addition the company also provides users with sugar mill gear box, screw lift, electric drum and various kinds of non-standard gear box. The company is now a national reducer Standard Technical Committee General Secretary, the company was awarded the first batch of "national Shou contract re credit enterprises"... Product navigation: Hardened cylinder gear reducer, - cycloid reducer -QY series crane reducer -TL modular R series reducer -TL modular S series reducer - circular cylindrical double stage worm reducer -CW arc tooth cylindrical worm reducer - vertical circular cylindrical worm reducer -ZQ (H) series of cylindrical gear reducer -TL modular P series reducer - heavy modular reducer -TL modular K series reducer -WH series arc tooth cylindrical worm reducer -WHCJ, WHCJG port for reducer shaft mounted circular cylindrical worm reducer, -WD (S) cylindrical worm reducer


電話:0512-65237016  傳真:0512-62963996  地址:蘇州市工業(yè)園區(qū)

減速機 減速機超市 Reducer - Gearbox