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Friends of Shanghai Branch Automation Technology Co., Ltd.


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E-mail: jiansuji001@163.com


    上海枝友自動化科技有限公司是一家集設(shè)計、研制、生產(chǎn)為一體的民營股份制科技性企業(yè)。 公司始終堅持“質(zhì)量是生命,科技是動力”的企業(yè)理念,牢固樹立“顧客是上帝,服務(wù)求發(fā)展”的經(jīng)營方針。近年來,公司堅持科技、質(zhì)量、效益之路,大膽探索,勇于進取,追求完美。 枝友擁有雄厚的科研開發(fā)實力和一支以機械、機電、資深工程師組成的科研團隊,人才結(jié)構(gòu)合理,擁有良好的硬件環(huán)境。產(chǎn)品廣泛應(yīng)用于: 航天航空工業(yè)、艦船、通訊設(shè)備、切割焊接設(shè)備、紡織印染機械、印刷機械、包裝機械、工程機械、冶金機械、機械手臂、機器人、醫(yī)療器械、數(shù)控機床、玻璃設(shè)備、精密儀器、測量設(shè)備、食品包裝、焊接設(shè)備、印刷機械、紡織印染、制藥制革、環(huán)保設(shè)備、水泥設(shè)備、煤炭設(shè)備、啤酒飲料、礦山機械、橡膠塑料、石油化工、起重運輸、制藥制革、環(huán)保設(shè)備等輕、重工業(yè)的機械傳動和精密控制領(lǐng)域。 先進的技術(shù)和可靠的質(zhì)量,確保上海枝友自動化科技有限公司成為國內(nèi)外廣大用戶的首選品牌。公司一貫秉承"質(zhì)量第一、信譽為本"的宗旨,熱忱歡迎各界攜手合作,共謀發(fā)展。
Friends of Shanghai Branch Automation Technology Co., Ltd. is a set design, development, production as one of the private joint-stock scientific and technological enterprises. The company always adhere to the "quality is the life, technology is the driving force for" business philosophy, firmly establish the "customer is God, service and development" business policy. In recent years, companies adhere to the benefits of technology, quality, road, bold exploration, the courage to forge ahead, the pursuit of perfection. Branch has strong research and development capabilities and a team of mechanical, electromechanical, senior engineer team, personnel structure is reasonable, has good hardware environment. Products are widely used in: aerospace industry, ship, communications equipment, cutting and welding equipment, textile machinery, printing machinery, packaging machinery, engineering machinery, metallurgical machinery, mechanical arm, robot, medical equipment, numerical control machine, glass equipment, precision instrument, measuring equipment, food packaging, welding equipment, printing machinery, textile printing and dyeing, pharmaceutical, leather, environmental protection equipment, cement equipment, coal equipment, beer and beverage, mining machinery, rubber and plastics, petroleum chemical industry, lifting transport, pharmacy and tanning, environmental protection equipment such as light, heavy industry machinery transmission and precision control field. Advanced technology and reliable quality, ensure that the friends of Shanghai Branch Automation Technology Co. Ltd. has become the preferred brand of domestic and overseas customers. The company has always been adhering to the "quality first, reputation first" purpose, warmly welcome cooperation, and seek common development.


電話:021-60649776  傳真:021-54321730  地址:上海市閔行區(qū)尚義路428弄

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